Practitioner EDIT Help

HELP with Editing PRACTITIONER records in 123acu.net

123acu.net provides a local Web-Page for each listed PRACTITIONER. Public users of the 123acu.net directory will locate these pages by searching for PRACTITIONERs near their zip-code or in their state.

Most fields of this PRACTITIONER database record are optional. Fill them in only if it suits your purposes. However, (a) all of the address fields should be filled in, and the Languages and Specialties lists should be maintained and (b) the adminemail field should be kept current to allow the 123acu.net administrator to communicate with you.

maxLangs and maxSpecs These are limits imposed by 123acu.net on the number of Languages and Specialties you may list. You may not change them. You may apply to admin@123acu.net to revise these limits.
userid Your UserId. You may not change it. You use it to login.
Admin Person Person within your office to whom email should be directed by 123acu.net.
Admin Email Email address for receiving email communications from 123acu.net. You SHOULD provide this, for this will be used by 123acu's administrator to communicate with you.
Preference A number used to choose the order in which lists of PRACTITIONERs are presented for public user searches. A higher preferences puts a listing higher in the list. Contact the 123acu.net administrator about your preference number.
Practitioner Name The PRACTITIONER's name.
PRACTITIONER's address, including a searchable ZIP code. All these fields should be filled in accurately. The PRACTITIONER's ZIP code alone allows this record to be found when members of the public search this directory.
cellphone, telephone, email These are all optional and should be self explanatory.
Notes Any notes you may wish to supply. Probably a good idea NOT to duplicate Languages Spoken or Specialties, since these are recorded in another manner.
RecNum This number identifies your record. Please refer to it (e.g., "Recnum: 75") when emailing 123acu.net about this PRACTITIONER Record.
Dates The DateCreated and DateChanged allow 123acu.net (and you!) to see when the data for your office was first put on the system and when it was last changed. These fields are handled automatically and you need not worry about them.

Text Edited: 21-May-2005
Page Made: 08-Feb-2007


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